a person writing on a work injury form

Types of Common Work Restrictions That Can Happen After a Work Injury


  • Understanding the purpose and scope of work restrictions after a work injury
  • Exploring how medical professionals determine and impose work restrictions
  • The critical interaction between work restrictions and workers’ compensation benefits
  • Navigating the implications of permanent work restrictions on employment
  • Legal obligations of employers to accommodate work restrictions and potential consequences of non-compliance
  • The pivotal role of Independent Medical Examination (IME) doctors in assessing work injuries and recommending restrictions
  • Highlighting the importance of compliance with work restrictions for a safe and effective recovery

Experiencing a work-related injury can lead to a complex process involving medical evaluations, workers’ compensation claims, and the potential imposition of work restrictions. These restrictions are critical in ensuring injured workers avoid activities that could exacerbate their injuries, facilitating a safer and more effective recovery process. When you want to demystify the concept of work restrictions following an injury at work, reading about some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic can help. As personal injury lawyers, we have encountered several of these questions and compiled some of the most common for you here.

What Are Work Restrictions?

Work restrictions protect employees from further harm after experiencing a work-related injury by introducing limitations to their workday. A medical professional typically determines these restrictions, but keep in mind that they will likely favor the employer over the worker’s true needs. They are designed to ensure that an employee does not engage in work activities that could delay recovery or cause further injury. Work restrictions can range from avoiding physically demanding activities to specific bans on lifting heavy objects or standing for extended periods. These work restrictions include:

  • Avoiding physically demanding activities
  • Restrictions on lifting heavy objects
  • Limitations on standing or sitting for prolonged periods
  • Modified work hours or part-time schedules to facilitate recovery
  • Prohibition against operating heavy machinery or driving
  • Light duty assignments tailored to the employee’s current physical capabilities
  • Adjustments to job duties to avoid tasks that exacerbate the injury
  • Use of assistive devices to support injured areas during work
  • Temporary reassignment to a different role or department
  • Mandatory breaks to rest and prevent overexertion
  • Specific restrictions on the amount of weight that can be carried
  • Alterations to the workplace environment to accommodate medical needs

Why Are Medical Restrictions at Work Imposed?

Medical restrictions at work are imposed primarily to safeguard the injured worker from further harm or injury. These restrictions are essential to ensure that the healing process is not disrupted by activities that could exacerbate the existing injury. Injured workers can achieve maximum medical improvement by following medical restrictions, allowing them to recover fully without risking their health. This approach facilitates their return to work and ensures that they can perform their job duties without enduring unnecessary pain or long-term complications.

How Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Interact With Work Restrictions?

Workers’ compensation benefits are crucial in supporting employees who receive work restrictions due to a job-related injury. These benefits can include wage loss compensation for those unable to perform their usual work duties and may cover medical expenses related to the injury. When an injured worker is given permanent restrictions, workers’ compensation insurance carriers sometimes provide vocational rehabilitation services to assist in finding suitable employment within these limitations.

What Happens If Permanent Work Restrictions Are Imposed?

Permanent work restrictions indicate that an injured worker’s condition has reached maximum medical improvement, and they are unlikely to fully recover their ability to perform specific tasks. In such cases, employers may need to offer reasonable accommodations, such as lighter-duty job assignments or modifications to existing job duties, to help the employee remain employed. If accommodating the permanent restrictions is not feasible, it could lead to discussions about alternate employment options or even disability retirement, depending on the severity of the impairment and other factors.

If the employee can no longer work at their current job with reasonable accommodations, it may necessitate exploring other avenues. This could involve vocational rehabilitation to train the employee for a new role that fits within their medical limitations or seeking employment in a different capacity within or outside the company. In some cases, the severity of the injury might qualify the employee for long-term disability benefits or workers’ compensation, providing financial support as they navigate this challenging transition. Ensuring that the employee’s rights and well-being are prioritized during this process is essential for their long-term recovery and stability, which is why you need to work with a personal injury attorney to ensure you are protected through the entire process from injury to recovery, no matter what that recovery looks like for your situation.

Can Employers Refuse To Accommodate Work Restrictions?

Employers are generally required by law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities or injuries, provided these accommodations do not impose undue hardship on the business. Suppose an employer refuses to accommodate medically prescribed work restrictions. In that case, it may be advisable for the injured worker to seek a legal professional to discuss potential remedies, including filing a complaint with the appropriate government agency or pursuing legal action.

What Role Does the IME Doctor Play in Determining Work Restrictions?

An Independent Medical Examination (IME) doctor is often presented as a neutral party assessing an injured worker’s condition. However, it’s crucial to understand that the IME doctor typically conducts numerous exams for the same insurance companies or their attorneys. These doctors are paid substantially to provide opinions that often favor the employer. Their evaluations are not necessarily aimed at offering an honest medical opinion but rather at verifying the injury’s impact in a manner that benefits the employer.

The workers’ compensation insurance carrier frequently requests the IME doctor’s evaluation to influence the type and duration of work restrictions imposed on the injured employee. Therefore, workers should be wary and understand that the IME doctor’s findings can significantly affect their ability to receive fair work restrictions that genuinely reflect their medical condition.

Get Help Understanding the Laws Surrounding Work Restrictions Today

Understanding work restrictions after a work injury is crucial for employees and employers to ensure a safe and effective recovery process. These restrictions protect employees from further injury and facilitate their return to work in a capacity that respects their physical limitations. It’s essential for all parties involved to communicate effectively and to comply with medical advice and legal requirements to support the injured worker’s recovery and employment.

If you are navigating the complexities of work restrictions due to a work-related injury, remember that you’re not alone. Legal professionals like our team at Westmoreland Injury Lawyers, specializing in workers’ compensation law and personal injuries, can provide valuable guidance and support throughout this challenging process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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